Sunday, September 26, 2010

After 11 Tools: Reflections

The slideshow I created using Photostory with some of our vacation photos  was a lot fun and I know the students would have great time creating something similar.  They can add complete sentences and special effects to their pictures.  The ITouches will help make learning exciting and be a valuable resource in the classroom. 

Technology is playing a bigger role in the classroom today than when I first started teaching.  I get a little nervous with all that we have, but I recognize the valule these resources have in assisting in the learning process.  It just goes to show that we never stop learning and we can have some fun while learning.

Tool #11 Digital Citizenship

Three things that I would ensure the students comprehend about being a good digital citizen are safety, etiquette, and responsibility. Brainpop videos could be used to teach the students about digital citizenship.  The students can create a presentation to share with the class using Photo Story, image generators, or mashups for their projects.  As we progress through the school year, I will remind the students the importance of being a digital citizen.

Tool #10 Exploring Mobile Technology and Apps

Over the summer, I got an IPhone and I have had a lot fun learning how to use the variety of apps.  I'm amazed how useful and fun it is.  The IPod touches we have in the classroom will help to engage the children in learning with a hands on approach. 

USA Factbook can be used to learn the state capitals, state natural resources and state symbols.

Hangman can be used to help learn vocabulary and spelling words.

Unblock Me is a puzzle game that will enhance problem solving skills.

I look forward to all the fun we can have with our new technology in the classroom.

Tool #9 Sharing information through Jing and Skype

Jing could be used with new students to show classroom routines, stations, schedules, rules, etc.  This would be a tool that would make multi-tasking easier.

Skype can allow the children to share information and experiences with other children within the district or around the nation. 

Tool #8 Video Resources

The videos will grasp the childrens attention with the fun songs and silly antics, helping retain the information.

Follow the link below to view Nanna's Mad Lab, performing an experiment explaining "States of Matter".

Follow the link below to view Mr. Davies "Water Cycle Song" video and song.

Tool #7 Digital Storytelling

I used Photo Story to create my digital story and I really enjoyed watching the finished product.  The students can use Photo Story to add a fun twist of creating their own story.

Tool #6 Wikis

  • Students might use Wikis in the classroom to aid in their learning by creating Powerpoints, share information, show off their work and/or build collaborative pages.

  • I joined to be able to use this in the classroom and to share with my team.  It states that we could post homework and other information for parents or others to see.  I am eager to see what I can use and share with my team!